December 12, 2011

Sweet Disposition

"a moment, a love
a dream, a laugh
a kiss, a cry
our rights, our wrongs
a moment, a love
a dream, a laugh
a moment, a love
a dream, a laugh"
-Sweet Disposition, The Temper Trap

People are few when we arrived
Oooh frappe!
Nica and my self-centered wallpaper
Meet Abi, my laptop
Almond Mocha Roca and Mocadamia
Seriously, you can't tell the difference
Oooh, markers!
Cheese Popcorn
This is our lunch HAHA

Hello Monday! I had no physics lab so I'm here at Ristretto (again) but this time I'm with Nica. She's studying for her exam later while I'm blog-hopping-listening-to-foreign-sad-songs-reading-Bob-Ong's-new-book and maybe later, watch TBBT. Prolly we'll transfer to Dairymoor because it's getting noisy here *pokerface*. I'm excited to blog this entry cause the internet connection here's too fast :) I'm currently listening to 500 Days Of Summer OST, perfect for relaxation and emoness. 

We felt that frappe and popcorn was not enough so we ordered a decent meal. We both had Bacon Garden and Cheezy Pasta. I also had Red Vevelt cupcake. After few hours of studying and procastination, Nica left and now I'm with Jo. She's having her late lunch; Cheezy Pasta and also Red Velvet cupcake. 

I really need to jog later :D

After an hour with Jo here at Ristretto, Nica came back to study. We're munching Popcorn (again) then Peny appeared from somewhere (NGE! haha). Yay! roomates + bitch = awkward (joke, HAHAHA). Peny ordered BLT Carbonara and Raspberry Frostea and she treated us Mochadamia frappe and Fudge Brownie Alamode. And Yes, I can't jog tonight because they're all busy so I guess I'll just avoid dinner tonight and no sweets all week. HUHU :( :)) I swear this is my last meal for today and I'll double the workout tomorrow. *fingers crossed*

XXXX, Kaye


  1. you're chillin' out with Nica...

  2. Its decent not descent. :)

  3. YES then JO came and also Peny :) I spent the whole day here at Ristretto :D

  4. Oh thank you anon :) :*

  5. food looks yammy and everything else looks fun!

    Inside and Outside Blog

  6. sweeeeeeeeeEeEet diiispooosition i miss you Kaye! :D
