June 11, 2012

No Paint, No Gain

When I’m bored, I usually do messy stuff like cutting, painting, pasting, drawing, etc. So this morning I got bored and decided to revamp my phone, the usual. But I realized I have this nail art pen from Etude so I decided to create a print. Here goes nothing! I’m into Aztec prints so this is the result. Tada! But I’m not contented so I also did my nails. HAHA. Just an experiment and I loved it. I might do this every time when I’m free. I erased the entire nail polish and decided to do it in green shade. Good thing I have plenty of nail lacquers. I topped it off with a matte coating. Everything was not perfect and I’m loving it.
I also had a date with Tim while watching the impeachment of CJ. Photos and words are what I feel for the summer. I’ll post my mood board for this month next time, yes?

Just a tip my friend;  don’t be conscious if it’s not perfect whatsoever. Its imperfection makes your creation beautiful and pretty. Whenever I’m doing such things, I’m not thinking about its result instead I’m thinking I’m happy while I’m doing it. So, Tada!

XXXX, Kaye

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